Los contenedores son unidades de software estandarizadas y ejecutables en las que el código de la aplicación se empaqueta con todas las dependencias, bibliotecas y...
Search results for: applications manager
Applications Manager extends its monitoring support to 11 more Azure services
We believe in expanding our arsenal to accommodate your evolving needs. That’s why we are thrilled to announce that Applications Manager now provides wider performance...
End-user monitoring with Applications Manager
In today’s rapidly changing world, making a strong first impression can go a long way. If you’re a business owner, delivering flawless web experiences should...
Level up with distributed tracing: Enhancing application performance with Applications Manager
In our modern, digitally connected landscape where software stretches across diverse platforms and settings, trying to track a single request can seem like wandering through...
Monitoreo de la experiencia digital en Applications Manager
El monitoreo de la experiencia digital (DEM) involucra controlar toda la travesía del usuario digital en sus aplicaciones, sitios web, API y otros servicios digitales....
Application performance management in Applications Manager
Application performance management (APM) is a practice that involves the process of managing, monitoring, measuring, and optimizing the performance and availability of software applications to...
Étude de cas: Comment une Agence Gouvernementale Américaine a Optimisé son MTTD avec Applications Manager
Dans le domaine de la gouvernance locale, l’efficacité est primordiale. Avec les demandes croissantes des citoyens et la nécessité d’une prestation de services sans faille,...
Redis monitoring in Applications Manager
Redis monitoring involves tracking the health and performance of your Redis databases to ensure high availability and accessibility for the data stored within them. Monitoring...
Découvrez comment DBACorp a amélioré l’expérience client et optimisé ses opérations avec Applications Manager
Les organisations cherchent constamment des solutions innovantes pour rationaliser les opérations, améliorer la satisfaction des clients et favoriser le succès de leur entreprise dans un...