Cyber Monday Lessons: Apple Can Get Away with Outdated Mobile Sites…But You Can’t

Yesterday, I connected to Apple’s website on my iPhone, only to discover that the undisputed leader of all things mobile didn’t have a mobile-friendly website. Well to be...

Applications Manager , General , ManageEngine 3 min read Read

Tracking Fax Server Problems – An interesting use case of the file/directory monitor

An IT infrastructure has hundreds of log files and directories spread across dozens of machines. Manually monitoring an entire directory or scanning countless log files...

Applications Manager 2 min read Read

[Infographic] All about Applications Manager’s Cloud Starter Edition

We recently introduced a new edition to Applications Manager – the  Cloud Starter Edition. As the name suggests, the Cloud Starter Edition is ideal for...

Applications Manager 1 min read Read

Don’t miss us at Oracle OpenWorld 2012…

Meet the ME APM experts at Oracle OpenWorld, to be held between Sep30-Oct4, 2012, at the Moscone Center in San Francisco. We will be in...

Applications Manager 1 min read Read

New in Applications Manager: Azure & .NET Monitoring, Cloud Starter Edition & more.

We are excited to announce yet another feature update to ManageEngine Applications Manager. Infact, we recently had two back to back releases, version 10.7 and...

Applications Manager 2 min read Read

Response to SolarWinds comparing SAM vs ManageEngine Applications Manager

A few weeks back, SolarWinds posted a presentation comparing their product SolarWinds SAM versus ManageEngine Applications Manager. It contained many errors and fabrications. That’s not a surprise!...

Applications Manager 1 min read Read

Now migrate your Applications Manager database from MySQL to MS SQL

Applications Manager supports both MySQL and MS SQL database backends for storing the performance data as well as the configuration information of the monitors. While...

Applications Manager 1 min read Read

Applications Manager now supports Ruby on Rails applications

We recently rolled out version 10.6 of Applications Manager. Support for monitoring Ruby on Rails applications, was the highlight of this release. If you are from...

Applications Manager 1 min read Read

[Applications Manager Tip]: How to set up alarms across multiple monitors at one go

This question caught my attention in our support mails. There are a couple of ways to do this. Alarm Configuration Template You can utilize this...

Applications Manager 1 min read Read