Here is a quick tip to reduce false alarms in Applications Manager caused due to network connectivity loss. This tip was contributed by Dilip, our technical support team member.
If you suddenly find that all monitors in your Applications Manager installation is down and receive many down alarms from Applications Manager, it could be because your Applications Manager instance has lost network connectivity. To avoid alarms of this type, just enable the Check for Network Availability option under the Admin->Availability Settings page.
When you enable this option, you have to specify a host that will be checked for availability before reporting a service as down. Applications Manager will generate alerts for the unavailability of resources only if this particular host in reachable in the network. If this host is unavailable, Applications Manager will not generate alerts and your resources will not be shown as down.
This is one of the many tips and tricks you can employ in order to get the best out of Applications Manager. Refer our best practices guide for more.