We had earlier looked at the network availability check and url availability check options that help reduce false alarms in Applications Manager. This week we will take a look at a couple more options that could be useful in certain situations.
1. Enable Ping Retries
By default, Applications Manager sends out ping requests to a server only once. If this ping request does not fetch a response from the server, the server will be declared as down. With the ‘Ping Retries’ option, you can specify the number of times Applications Manager should ping a server before it is declared unavailable. This option can be specified in the AvailabilityTests.conf file under <AppManager>/conf directory.

For example, if you specify the value as 2, the server will be declared as down only after 2 consecutive Ping requests fail to evoke a response from the server.

2. Enable Port Check
Sometimes Applications Manager might not get a response for its Ping requests as the network may discard ICMP packets. To avoid alerts due to this problem, you can enable the Port Check option in the AvailabilityTests.conf file under <AppManager>/conf directory.
By default, the value of am.porttestenabled field is false. You should change it to true and then specify the ports to be tested in the am.portstotest field.

Once this option is enabled, Applications Manager will connect to the ports in the server and send out alerts only if those ports are not reachable.
Hope you find these tips helpful. Refer our best practices guide to know similar tips and tricks.