We are thrilled to announce that Applications Manager now integrates with Microsoft Intune to make your application performance monitoring (APM) experience from your mobile device more secure.

We know how tedious it is to log in from your PC every time you need to have a look at your application’s performance. That’s why most of our users choose our mobile application to monitor their applications and servers on the go from their mobile devices. One of our customers wanted to extend the safety layer of their mobile application management policies to the Applications Manager mobile app to secure the data on organization-owned and BYO mobile devices. So, our team decided to take it upon themselves to ensure premium protection for Applications Manager in mobile devices.

Although it was a challenging task to integrate Applications Manager’s mobile app with Microsoft Intune’s SDK, our integration and development teams took it like a champ and helped us achieve this milestone quickly. With this version of our mobile application, you will be able to protect your monitoring console more efficiently on your iOS and Android devices by utilizing Microsoft Intune for an added layer of protection.

Microsoft Intune Protection for Application Performance Monitoring solutions


Applications Manager’s integration with Microsoft Intune’s SDK enables efficient app protection and seamless hosting on mobile devices. This integration addresses critical security concerns like user authentication and data integrity. Here’s what’s new with the integration:

  1. PIN protection: You will be able to configure a PIN and secure your Applications Manager mobile application from unauthorized logins.

  2. Copy and paste restriction: You can restrict copying or pasting critical data from Applications Manager without proper access.

  3. Screenshot restriction: You can restrict screenshots in Applications Manager to avoid unwanted data distribution.

  4. Navigation controls: The new integration helps you control switching and redirecting to other applications from the Applications Manager mobile app.


We tested the app thoroughly in our own environments to ensure strict compliance with app protection policies. The integration was also deemed efficient by a customer who conducted user acceptance testing.

You can download the integrated version of the Applications Manager mobile application to unlock these security enhancements and leverage a protected APM experience. It’s available on both the Google Play store and the Apple App Store.

*Our app is legally approved for Microsoft Intune’s SDK and the Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL); it also complies with all necessary regulations.