When your customer lands in a portal from the website through the Support link, the customer should feel that the portal resembles the website to proceed further.

Customizing the look & feel of your support portal
In this version, we’re not just re-designing the portal area, we’re also providing flexible customization options for your portal needs. Now, it gives you the ability to change colors, font styles, layout options and customizable URL to make sure that your support portal blend perfectly with your website. Most of the settings can be done in Admin Settings area.
Adding multiple portals
Sometimes organizations may require multiple portals to efficiently manage their specific customer group.
Let’s look at this scenario…
Acme chocolate company having different business divisions say Retail, Billing & Payment, Administration and Promotion. But on single installation of SupportCenter Plus, they need to manage their specific customers requests. Each division will have their own content and presentation.
From the above example, the representation of Administration and Billing & Payment divisions should look more professional, but the Retail and Promotion divisions can sport appealing look. So it needs customization at portal level to make it different from each other.
This can easily be achieved by creating two different portals and customize it accordingly cater to their own customer groups’. It helps organization to share common information or restrict information at business unit level.
Check this out in our latest version 7.8
Happy Support!
Team SupportCenter Plus