Customer expectations aren’t what they used to be. Emerging technology trends have elevated the customer experience by bringing personalization and automation to the forefront. With...

Hackers obtienen contraseñas de datacenter de empresas como Amazon, Apple, BMW y Microsoft
Un grupo de hackers obtuvo correos electrónicos y contraseñas de sitios de servicio al cliente de por lo menos dos mil compañías. Entre las afectadas...
Discover how attackers exploit DNS vulnerabilities in Active Directory
A DNS server is an integral part of an AD environment. Simple yet crucial activities are accomplished using DNS servers, such as authenticating, searching for...

Securing your enterprise: The importance of a security operations center
The world is increasingly embracing cloud technology. The fact that cloud requires minimal infrastructure and operational costs is attracting enterprises to shift to cloud. Remote...

Artificial intelligence might be insulting your intelligence
It’s Saturday morning. You’ve decided to sleep in after last night’s bender, and you can’t be bothered about the sound of your phone ringing. You...

Top tips: Implementing ChatGPT at an enterprise level
ChatGPT is quickly being adopted for optimizing pretty much any vertical. You can write reports, come up with content, analyze data, and even get the...

Why endpoint management is your best defense against a recession
In the face of a looming recession, companies are hunting for ways to reduce costs and increase efficiency. The pressure is particularly felt by IT...

Microsoft DCOM hardening and its impact on Applications Manager
Microsoft recently acknowledged a critical vulnerability in the WMI connection affecting the DCOM protocol, which allowed attackers to bypass DCOM server security, elevate their privileges,...

World Password Day: Tips, quiz, and tools to improve password security
Password security, though sometimes underrated, is crucial for an organization to remain viable in the vast digital landscape. A popular quote on the internet says,...