Defense in Depth strategies for enhancing cyber resilience

In today’s dynamic cyberthreat landscape, traditional security measures are no longer sufficient. Organizations must adopt a comprehensive, layered defense strategy to safeguard their digital assets. This approach, known as Defense in Depth, involves implementing multiple layers of security controls to protect against threats, both internal and external. Leveraging this method ensures that there are multiple fail-safes even in case of a breach.

Cybercriminals, these days, are leveraging advanced tools, AI, and other intelligent techniques to exploit vulnerabilities, making it essential for organizations to stay ahead of the curve. In addition to a strong threat detection and response strategy, proactive security is also increasingly becoming a primary concern for organizations.

Forrester, in its recent Wave for Endpoint Security report, also pointed out similar trends and a shift in focus. Most organizations are focusing on preventing attacks from happening in the first place so they can focus their time, resources, and workforce on understanding and analyzing how the threat penetrated their lines of defense, without having to clean up the mess that’s left after an attack.

Another trend that is increasingly visible is the shift towards the consolidation of security solutions. IT teams are still understaffed, which has pushed them to constantly look for ways to do more with less. So, the integration of adjacent functions like vulnerability assessment and patch management or service desk capabilities and configuration management will give IT teams some leeway in addressing their challenges with the available manpower.

This is just a snippet of what was in The Forrester Wave™: Endpoint Security, Q4 2023. In our upcoming webinar, the author of the Wave himself, guest speaker Paddy Harrington, will give us more insights into current trends and how to handle them.

Here’s why you should attend this webinar

Understand the limitations of traditional security measures: Traditional security approaches often fall short in protecting against today’s advanced threats. Our experts will discuss why these methods are inadequate and how modern strategies can fill the gaps.

Learn about proactive security models: Moving from reactive to proactive security is essential for effective threat mitigation. We will explore how to implement proactive measures to anticipate and neutralize potential threats before they cause harm.

Identify and secure key endpoint attack surfaces: Endpoints are prime targets for cyberattacks. You’ll learn about the critical endpoint attack surfaces that require focus and discover strategies to address vulnerabilities effectively.

The importance of detection and response: Attack surface protection alone is not enough. Effective detection and response mechanisms are crucial to identify and mitigate threats in real time. Our webinar will cover best practices for integrating these capabilities into your security strategy.

Leveraging AI in security: AI plays a significant role in enhancing security. We’ll discuss how AI can improve threat detection and response, providing a more robust defense against sophisticated attacks.

Developing a tailored security strategy: Every organization is unique, and so are its security needs. Learn how to develop a tailored security strategy based on your organization’s size, type, and specific requirements.

Insights into ManageEngine’s unified endpoint security: Discover how ManageEngine’s endpoint protection platform integrates attack surface reduction with advanced threat detection and response, delivering a comprehensive security solution.

Meet the experts

This webinar will feature a chat between industry experts Romanus Prabhu Raymond from ManageEngine and guest speaker Paddy Harrington from Forrester. Together, they will provide deep insights and practical advice on building a resilient endpoint security strategy.

Event details

Date: August 27, 2024

Time: 12pm ET | 9:30pm IST

Register now

Karthika Surendran
Analyst Relations Specialist