Michael Vizard feels that the upgrades to vista and the windows server would naturally push an enterprise IT manager to think of managed services route....
IBM Not too Big for SMBs?
Its quite the buzz that IBM has decided to grace the SMB markets with their complexity as well. Their claim that they are not too...
Sorry, No Features this time
So, finally the all new OpManager 6 MSP Edition is out. (Whew!!!) I am not going to go on about whats in it- you have...
Don’t miss a bit…
It is only all to common when users downloading our products wish to ensure that the download has been completed successfully- without any losses. This...
Global Issues- Local Solutions!
It is common practice for MSPs to rebrand the central server and let customers log on. But what happens then if the MSP faces a...
Trouble Moving?!
Most often,for purposes of evaluation, MSP instals the central server on a test machine and the probe in the customer’s place. After testing, however, the...
Droplets from the New Ocean
Ours, being the most dynamic of fields, sees users fidgeting between competitors for better or lesser. Yet it never fails to bring a smile to...
Miercom Chooses NetFlow Analyzer !
[ <b>Mood:</b> Happy ]<br />In a market flooded with myriad products – each of whom claim to do the best-in-class Bandwidth Monitoring & Traffic Analysis...
Flight of the Tiger
Despite the numerous examples that I have witnessed myself, I am astounded every day by the diverse user types to whom OpManager has appealed. Reading...