Picture this: It’s a regular WFH day, but you are unaware of a hacker sitting in some basement, rubbing their hands together in glee as...

[Webinar] IDC insights: Enhance the end-user experience and ensure security in a digital workplace with UEM
Are you caught having to choose between providing a seamless end-user experience and ensuring security in your organization? Trust me, you are not alone! Organizations...
Going off-grid: Give your computer the power-nap it deserves
Climate change has been a global concern, and organizations are working harder everyday to reduce their carbon footprint. We can contribute to this global cause...

Grazie Ragazzi—But it’s not Ferrari who’s saying it this time!
Ferrari’s woes seem to be continuing from F1 tracks to their data. And surprisingly, ransomware today encrypts files as fast as a Ferrari V8 goes...

Dê adeus aos ataques de ransomware com o Anti-Ransomware do Endpoint Central
De acordo com Statista, houve um total de 236,1 milhões de ataques de ransomware em todo o mundo durante o primeiro semestre de 2022. Quando...
Look twice before you “LookBack”
What makes great art, whether it be in literature, painting, film, or photography, so challenging and valuable that it seems to be out of our...

Want to keep your employees satisfied? UEM shows you the way
If we look at the last decade, organizations are increasingly championing the movement of employee satisfaction. Customer satisfaction, of course, is one of the quintessential...

Bid goodbye to ransomware attacks with Endpoint Central’s Anti-Ransomware
Ransomware is an alarming cyberthreat that’s been evolving over the decades. According to Statista, there were a total of 236.1 million ransomware attacks worldwide during...

Are educational institutions easy victims of ransomware groups?
Ransomware’s new favorite victim is educational institutions. Ransomware attacks, that exploit targets utilizing malicious software code, have increased tremendously over the past few years. In...