In today’s rapidly changing world, making a strong first impression can go a long way. If you’re a business owner, delivering flawless web experiences should be the norm. Making every website visit effortless not only keeps customers happy and engaged but also builds up your brand’s reputation. This is where the significance of end-user monitoring (EUM) comes in. An EUM tool acts like a virtual visitor that simulates user interactions to measure response times, functionality, and the overall experience. It provides actionable insights to help IT teams enhance application performance and user satisfaction.

EUM benefits various stakeholders, including web developers, business owners, marketing teams, and customer success teams.

  • Web developers can use an EUM tool to pinpoint issues that sometimes go unnoticed in traditional testing, ensuring a smoother development process and faster bug fixes.
  • EUM tools can help business owners ensure seamless user experiences to increase user satisfaction and facilitate increased conversion rates.
  • Product managers can delve into an EUM tool’s insights to detect user pain points and prioritize decisions for improving product development.
  • Marketing teams can use EUM data to identify user segments with specific pain points, providing opportunities for targeted marketing campaigns.
  • Customer success teams can use an EUM tool to recognize common issues and provide more efficient, targeted assistance.

As a business owner, if you’re seeking an EUM tool to ensure seamless user experiences, boost conversion rates, and enhance customer retention, ManageEngine Applications Manager could be your secret weapon. In this blog, we’ll delve into the workings of our EUM tool, highlight the benefits of choosing Applications Manager, and look at practical use cases!

How EUM works in Applications Manager

In Applications Manager, EUM is facilitated by the Real Browser Monitor (RBM). It launches a real web browser (Chrome, Firefox, or Edge) and navigates through your application. It follows predefined scripts that mimic how real users interact with your site, clicking buttons, filling out forms, and exploring different capabilities.
These predefined scripts are recorded using a recorder tool and are usually the critical paths that users take to accomplish various tasks. The RBM diligently follows these scripts and continuously monitors your application’s performance.
The playback can also be conducted from various geographical locations. You simply need to install EUM agents in the corresponding areas. The playback measures many critical metrics like availability and response times. This constant monitoring helps you identify any potential bottlenecks or issues that might hinder user experiences.

Why choose Applications Manager?

  • Greater accuracy with real browser monitoring: Unlike synthetic monitoring, which only emulates a web browser, Applications Manager uses an actual web browser to collect metrics. These include network latency, content checks, and the availability of web elements, resulting in more precise, reliable performance data.
  • Comprehensive webpage rendering: Applications Manager’s RBM goes beyond traditional web monitoring by rendering the entire webpage. This includes building the Document Object Model and executing JavaScript within the web browser, ensuring that all the elements of the page are accurately monitored. You can even choose to take screenshots during the playback if there are any errors.
  • Holistic performance measurement: The RBM measures the response time of a webpage by including all the elements, such as CSS, images, and links loaded from third-party websites. This holistic approach ensures a thorough understanding of the performance of your webpage.
  • Realistic user experience simulations: By using a real browser, Applications Manager’s RBM provides more realistic simulations of user interactions, allowing you to identify and address performance issues that would affect actual users.
  • Monitoring from anywhere: Applications Manager’s RBM isn’t limited to one location. It allows you to schedule monitoring sessions from different geographical locations. This provides valuable insights into how your site or application performs for users across the globe, ensuring a seamless experience regardless of where they’re accessing your site or application.

Real-life use cases   

 Scenario 1 

Imagine you’re running an e-commerce platform. You can record a transaction that entails browsing for a specific product, adding it to the cart, checking out, and paying. You can use an EUM tool to monitor your site’s load times and this specific user transaction. By comparing this data to competitor benchmarks, you may discover that your checkout process is slower. This information can enable you to streamline the checkout process, thereby improving user experiences while also giving you a competitive edge.

 Scenario 2 

Imagine you’re a product manager launching a new search feature on your travel booking website. In this case, Applications Manager’s EUM capabilities can track user interactions and response time metrics after the new feature is launched. This might reveal the fact that the new feature slows down the site during peak hours. You can quickly address the issue before it affects more users, ensuring a smooth feature rollout.

 Scenario 3 

Imagine you’re an online banking service provider. You can use an EUM tool to continuously monitor user interactions. An EUM tool can help you detect intermittent login issues due to server delays. By identifying and fixing this problem early, you can prevent widespread user frustration and maintain trust in your service.

Ready to elevate your customer experiences? Leverage the power of EUM in Applications Manager and discover how it can help you achieve first-class results. Download a free, 30-day trial now!