Thanks a Ton

Applications Manager | April 22, 2008 | 1 min read

A bug in our backup script – Don’t worry, the fix would be out in our next Service Pack. But we a owe a big thanks to Brett Peterson, VisionShare, Inc. He not only pointed out to the bug but also suggested a way to fix it up.


The bin/ script contains a bug that prevents it from running to completion at any time in the A.M. The SQL dump filename is generated using the following command:

export name=`date +%F_%k_%M_%S`

The %k causes a space in the resulting filename if the hour is not two digits in length (i.e., anytime in the A.M.). This causes the MysqlZip invocation later in the script to not find the .sql file and error out.

I patched this by changing the command above to use %H instead of %k:

export name=`date +%F_%H_%M_%S`

This causes a two-digit A.M. hour to have a zero in the first position and thus no spaces in the file name.

