It’s hard to keep note of all the malware that‘s been unleashed in last three months; the count seems to be never ending. Earlier this year, we saw SambaCry exploit a...

Forget prolonged text chats. Improve SLA resolution times with enhanced troubleshooting tools
Digital communication has seen some major developments in the last few years. Moving from basic SMS to apps like WhatsApp and Instagram Stories, complicated text-based platforms have been replaced with tools that...

XData and SambaCry add to the whopping number of data breaches this year
Weeks after WannaCry appeared center stage, networks around the world are still being bombarded with clusters of cyber threats including Adlykuzz and EternalRocks. But is...

Fireball—the zombie apocalypse for internet browsers
If a zombie apocalypse looks like hordes of the undead eating human flesh, a browser zombie apocalypse looks like computer screens around the world getting...

Stressed about Delta Charlie malware? Desktop Central has you covered
Vulnerability threats are any IT administrator’s worst nightmare. Recently, following the release of WannaCry ransomware, IT administrators have been feeling the heat when it comes to security threats. This new...

WannaCry: Battle with the shadow
“There are two kinds of people in America today: those who have experienced a foreign cyber attack and know it, and those who have experienced...

WannaCry again? Meet Adylkuzz, its sneaky cryptocurrency mining sibling
More than 400,000 computers wrldwide have been infected with WannaCry ransomware since the beginning of the devastating attack on May 12th, 2017. WannaCry has compromised...

If you think WannaCry is huge, wait for EternalRocks!
While the world was responding to the WannaCry attack—which only utilized the EternalBlue exploit and the DoublePulsar backdoor—researchers discovered another piece of malware, EternalRocks, which...

Escape the latest sudo flaw with Desktop Central patch management
Windows has had a rough time lately, dealing with various breaches as the result of vulnerabilities. Linux, often considered a malware-free OS, is now experiencing...