WEG, Welcome to India

ServiceDesk Plus | June 5, 2008 | 1 min read

Bem-vindo para India. WEG – one of the Brazil’s largest companies is coming to India.

WEG Announces New Plant In India

[Thanks Jaime for sharing the news]

WEG’s runs ServiceDesk Plus, with 1000 technicians working on it. I have to thank them for helping us perfect ServiceDesk Plus with robust performance and scalability. The biggest challenge in the getting the meeting right was the language. Everyone knew only Brazilian Portuguese and we knew only English. Luckily we had one friend who knew both. [Thanks Claudio, for saving the meeting]

WEG is in Jaragua Do Sul, Brazil – well actually Jaragua Do Sul is in WEG. The company has such a big plant that a town is built around it. I am sure we’ll win WEG over again, in our home ground.

Interesting Point: WEG had an interesting way to solve the speeding problems and accidents in its campus. Almost 90% of mini-vans and cars plying within the campus had women drivers. To be specific, it was moms who had their kids photos in the dashboard and they were never speeding… anytime!

ServiceDesk Plus WEG Meeting

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  3. Thanks Alex, was very nice you here in WEG, this meeting had the opportunity to show our WEG culture and learn a little more about ADVENTNET. Yes Alex, was true we had many doubts and various items to be discussed in little time. Thanks