Just like one of those classic weight gain problems. We found that a few customer ServiceDesk Plus databases have taken in all the junk emails (food) such as Out of Office replies, mailer-daemons, and acknowledgement mails. And just like one of the classic weight gain issues, this too might affect your ServiceDeskPlus Operation (heart) over time. Here’s how you can overcome this problem and keep SDP healthy and running.

We are starting a Get into Great Shape Program , in this operation

– You need to execute the Health Check Queries

– Let us know if your ServiceDesk Plus database has too many unwanted requests

– We will help you with the Get in Great Shape & clean up operation

For this program to succed we need co-operation and you need patience.

Take the first step

ServiceDesk Plus Health Check

The first thing you need to do is determine your SDP database’s health.

Go to Reports Tab & click on the New Query Reports button and run the following queries

————————————-Health Check Queries————————————————

// Request count by requester

select FIRST_NAME RequesterName,EMAILID EMailID,count(WorkOrder.WORKORDERID) RequestCount from WorkOrder join AaaUser on WorkOrder.REQUESTERID=AaaUser.USER_ID left join AaaUserContactInfo on AaaUser.USER_ID=AaaUserContactInfo.USER_ID left join AaaContactInfo on AaaUserContactInfo.CONTACTINFO_ID=AaaContactInfo.CONTACTINFO_ID group by AaaUser.USER_ID order by 3 desc;

//Reply count by recipient

select FIRST_NAME RecipientName,EMAILID EMailID,count(Notify_WorkOrder.WORKORDERID) Replies from Notify_WorkOrder join Notification on Notify_WorkOrder.NOTIFICATIONID=Notification.NOTIFICATIONID join AaaUser on Notification.RECIPIENTID=AaaUser.USER_ID left join AaaUserContactInfo on AaaUser.USER_ID=AaaUserContactInfo.USER_ID left join AaaContactInfo on AaaUserContactInfo.CONTACTINFO_ID=AaaContactInfo.CONTACTINFO_ID group by AaaUser.USER_ID order by 3 desc;

//Reply sent for Request

select WorkOrder_Threaded.WORKORDERID RequestID,count(NOTIFICATIONID) Replies from Notify_WorkOrder join WorkOrder_Threaded on Notify_WorkOrder.WORKORDERID=WorkOrder_Threaded.THD_WOID group by WorkOrder_Threaded.WORKORDERID order by 2 desc;

//Start/Stop Timer Operations for Request

select WorkOrder.WORKORDERID RequestID, count(HOLDID) TimerOperations from RequestOnHold join WorkOrder on RequestOnHold.WORKORDERID=WorkOrder.WORKORDERID group by RequestOnHold.WORKORDERID order by 2 desc;

When you detect that your SDP DB has put on weight

If the Health Check query reports abnormal numbers say When all your users have sent request in the range of 400 requests only one user have more than 1000 requests. This might be an abnormal case unless you know that particularly know that this user has sent all the messages. When you find the results of a few more queries abnormal, it is time to get help.

Eg: If the mail delivery has a lot of messages like say 100

Work out, there is no wonder drug

Don’t panic, if your ServiceDesk Plus database has put on weight. We can help you work out and get you get back in shape. In this case we’ll work it out for you.

You need to fill up your request for ServiceDesk Plus Work Out

ServiceDesk Plus staff will run through your request database and clean out all the unwanted requests. Remember just like the treadmills are limited, just like the trainers are limited so are the team members. There might be delay in getting your turn to run your DB through a clean up. You need some patience.

Continue Staying in Great Shape

One of the greatest challenges in losing weight is maintaining it. After the clean you need to find patterns in which junk mails have made it in your system and plug the holes. You can do this with the Spam Filter Option under the Mail Server Setting in the Admin tab.

Find patterns and block out junk messages make it to your request DB.

Eg: You can use Spam filter to block messages if they contain “Out of Office reply ” as subject or if they have mailer-deamon in the From address

Disclaimer: If you think the post is Oprah Winfrey-ish, it definitely is. I lost a bet and my wife had the TV remote over the weekend. I had to watch the Oprah live and re-telecasts. You know TV affects you.