In the Asset Lifecycle once an aging asset begins to hamper productivity, the organization needs to have a formal end of life strategy in place concerning final disposition. Final disposition is clearly more complex than simply throwing a desktop out with the trash. There are several issues and recycling options to mull over that go beyond getting rid of the old machine and receiving a new desktop. These issues include:
- Can the machine be moved to another end-user with fewer needs?
- Conversely, is there another machine in the Agency that will meet this end-user’s needs?
- Even if the asset is obsolete, what about the parts, both hardware and software?
- Can the licensed software be used on other assets?
- Can the parts be relocated within the organization?
- Is there any proprietary information on the machine?
- Who erased the information on the machine?
- Can the asset be donated?
- If the asset is donated, what happens with the licensed software?
- What process is in place to ensure proper final disposition of donated assets?
- Who certified that all the information on the hard drive was erased?
- Does your Agency have e-waste recycling contracts in place?
All of these questions need to be answered in the ITAM organism you have in place.
When assets are leased it is just as vital to have an end-of-life strategy in place. Paying out huge penalties can shrink the savings associated with leasing when lessors are not notified before the end of the asset disposition; an ITAM system in place can make available a reminder when notification of the lessor is due, tell you where the leased assets are installed or being stored, and evaluate their original and current configuration.