Very few things available online are truly free of cost. If you don’t pay with cash, chances are you are paying with your personal information...
The word’s out!
We’re thrilled to share that KuppingerCole has recognized ManageEngine Desktop Central as a Leader in the 2020 KuppingerCole Leadership Compass for Unified Endpoint Management (UEM). Apart from being...
Patch Tuesday June 2020—The largest ever, with fixes for 129 vulnerabilities
Almost four months into the COVID-19 pandemic, all of us have started embracing the “new normal.” In terms of IT security, this means a huge spike...
Curtail security exploits in applications and fortify your remote endpoints
The trend of working from home has hit the ground running, and businesses have turned to strategies and tools that will ensure a no-plummet productive environment. There...
How implementing a BYOD initiative helps prepare remote workers for COVID-19 era challenges
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to force employees to work from home, businesses are facing new and unique challenges to ensure business continuity. When remote...
May Patch Tuesday 2020 fixes 111 vulnerabilities
As IT administrators do their best to cope with business continuity plans, it’s imperative to understand and manage patch updates. With cybersecurity threats on the rise thanks...
Simplify third-party application management on Intune with Patch Connect Plus
For organizations using Microsoft’s System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) who are focused on endpoint management and security, co-management is the new buzz word. Gone are...
Security configurations—Part two: 8 imperative security configurations for your arsenal
In part one of this two-part blog series, we discussed seven reasons security configurations are an important part of an organization’s security posture. In this...
Security configurations—Part one: 7 reasons why security configurations are crucial to your security blueprint
Security configurations are security-specific settings used to secure heterogeneous endpoints such as servers, desktops, laptops, mobile devices, and tablets. As endpoints in your network diversify,...