We are thrilled to introduce the cloud version of our comprehensive ITAM platform, ManageEngine AssetExplorer. The on-demand version of AssetExplorer offers IT managers the...
AssetExplorer gains an edge over other ITAM software
We have excellent news to share with you today. AssetExplorer, our IT asset management (ITAM) solution, has been named the Best Enterprise ITAM Software of...

AssetExplorer: PCMag Editors’ Choice for an ITAM system
Well, October has started off sweet for ManageEngine with another big endorsement. AssetExplorer, our exclusive IT asset management software, was just rated “Excellent” by PCMag editor Lanette Creamer. Creamer designated AssetExplorer as PCMag’s Editors’ Choice, recognizing its value...

Different Kinds of Help Desk Callers – Helpdesk Humour
Embed Code: <img src=”http://www.manageengine.com/products/service-desk/images/helpdesk-infographics.jpg” alt=”Different kinds of Help Desk Callers” /><p><em>Image originally posted on <a href=”http://www.manageengine.com/products/service-desk/helpdesk-infographics.html”>Help Desk Infographics, ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus</a></em></p> Share & Get a...
Rule out déjà vu with Problem Management
Problem management is one of the processes that is often disregarded or ignored as not being important or critical, when in real time it is...
ManageEngine and Microsoft Facts – Straight Up
I am responding again to Shijaz Abdulla’s post as I wanted to clear the air. ManageEngine Respects Microsoft, A Lot We have a lot of...
Section 179: Instant Tax Deduction Gives You Cash In Hand But 5 Days To Go
What is Section 179? Section 179 Deduction is part of The Small Business Jobs and Credits Act of 2010 that helps Small and medium business...

Expect The Forgot Password Storm, After Holidays
The Forgot-Password-Storm happens every year after the holidays. It’s the magical first day when users dragging themselves back after long holidays don’t remember their login...

End of Life!
In the Asset Lifecycle once an aging asset begins to hamper productivity, the organization needs to have a formal end of life strategy in place...