We are glad to announce the release of Applications Manager 8.1 (Build no. 8100). The major highlights of this release is the support for monitoring...
Monitor Log Files and System Events
Analyst reports state there are over 25% custom Applications out there and those apps do not have a standard way to monitor. Now here is...
Servers under Unknown Category
Our team is back after the the festival of lights ! This week let me tell you why you may get the sometimes annoying “Unknown...
Happy Diwali
Tomorrow, Diwali will arrive with a big bang..Quite literally! It is celebrated in India as festival of Lights. Lamps signify the removal of darkness in...
Long Checkout Queues in Vegas Hotel
Happened to read this article in Computer World about how hotel reservations system crashed at MGM Mirage. It had caused check-in and check-out problems for...
Applications Manager 8 Released
We are glad to announce the release of Applications Manager 8 (build no. 8010). The major highlight of this release is the support for monitoring...
Auto Discovery of server and applications
In applications manager when you add a new application or database for monitoring, the server in which that application is present will be also automatically...
Creating a proper threshold
If you want to know the right values you can use while creating a threshold refer the below link, http://blogs.manageengine.com/appmanager/2006/03/24/tip-configuring-thresholds/ while creating thresholds make sure...
RCA Messages will not be updated for every poll
The Root cause Analysis (RCA) messages for any attribute will be changed whenever there is a change in severity. It will not change during every...