Administrators are keenly aware of the issues that face remote users. For many administrators, such issues can cause great angst. One issue in particular facing...
Three neglected password policy tips that increase security
Most organizations are familiar with the Microsoft password policy and the features it provides. The password policy from Microsoft for Active Directory domains has been...
The top 3 drawbacks to Microsoft password policies
We have all been living with the Microsoft password policy solution for many years now. It has sufficed, for the most part, untill now, due...
Ensuring users can reset their passwords and unlock their accounts remotely
Ensuring users can reset their passwords and unlock their accounts remotely As many of you know, our ADSelfService Plus product allows employees to reset their...

Allow technicians to unenroll user accounts from ADSelfService Plus
When employees leave an organization, their Active Directory account needs to be cleaned up and secured. The employees’ user account must be protected and, after...
Microsoft password notification weaknesses? Solved.
Have you ever heard these comments about the Windows password expiration notifications? – I never saw the password notification “bubble.” – The balloon notification doesn’t...

User shortcut for ADSelfSerivce Plus
Users are often technically challenged when it comes to navigating computers or networks. When ADSelfService Plus is up and running, users can help themselves. That...

Forcing users to enter user attributes
Many organizations rely on user account attributes to run queries against Active Directory and get lists of user accounts. For example, an administrator might run...

Notifying mobile users that their password is expiring
I know I’m not alone on this one. I travel a lot, and I always hated when my password expired while I was traveling, but...