Welcome to July 2023’s Patch Tuesday, which lists fixes for 132 vulnerabilities, including five zero days. With all of these vulnerabilities being actively exploited, admins...
Search results for: shadow IT

Top tips: What AI-powered security risks should you keep an eye out for?
We’ve all heard the cliché, “Change is the only constant.” Sure, it’s been overused to a point where it may have lost its meaning, but...
The dark web unmasked: A primer on its perils
Ever wondered what lurks in the mysterious corners of the internet? Welcome to the dark web: an uncharted digital territory that’s inaccessible through regular search...

Evolving cyberattack landscape: What to expect in the future
In today’s increasingly digitized world, cybersecurity has become an essential concern for individuals and businesses alike. With more and more data being transmitted and stored online,...

Introducing SSH command controls and advanced PEDM capabilities for Linux in PAM360
PAM360 is ManageEngine’s comprehensive privileged access management (PAM) solution designed for enterprises to protect sensitive, privileged identities from internal and external threats. With the principle...

Bid goodbye to ransomware attacks with Endpoint Central’s Anti-Ransomware
Ransomware is an alarming cyberthreat that’s been evolving over the decades. According to Statista, there were a total of 236.1 million ransomware attacks worldwide during...

Are educational institutions easy victims of ransomware groups?
Ransomware’s new favorite victim is educational institutions. Ransomware attacks, that exploit targets utilizing malicious software code, have increased tremendously over the past few years. In...

7 key features of SIEM that every enterprise administrator should be aware of
A SIEM solution has become an integral part of an organization’s security arsenal. But organizations often overlook the system’s capabilities, owing to a belief that...