O monitoramento de usuário real (RUM) é usado para coletar e analisar dados sobre as interações do usuário com um site ou aplicativo em tempo...
Search results for: applications manager
Real user monitoring with Applications Manager
Real user monitoring (RUM) is used to collect and analyze data about user interactions with a website or application in real-time. This enables organizations to...
Optimisation du service client avec Applications Manager
Techedge est une société mondiale de conseil et de services informatiques, qui organise et exécute des projets de transformation numérique. Ils se sont imposés comme...
Applications Manager once again helps customers go beyond their limits [Case study]
Reading case studies can be a tedious task for someone who needs to single-handedly manage the entire IT infrastructure of their firm. But hey, why...
Applications Manager obtiene otra medalla de excelencia
Estamos emocionados por anunciar que ManageEngine Applications Manager ganó en la categoría Best Application Performance Monitoring Brand en los galardones Enterprise IT World’s CIO Select...
Applications Manager en 2022 : retour en arrière
Alors que nous arrivons à la fin de l’année, beaucoup d’entre nous regardent en arrière pour voir comment se sont déroulées nos résolutions pour l’année...
Retrospectiva Applications Manager 2022
Ao chegarmos ao final do ano, também chega a hora de analisar nossas resoluções para o ano de 2022. Nas nossas resoluções para o Applications...
Applications Manager in 2022: A look back
As we reach the end of the year, many of us are looking back to see how our resolutions for the year 2022 went. Well...
Applications Manager bags another token of excellence
We are thrilled to announce that ManageEngine Applications Manager won Best Application Performance Monitoring Brand at Enterprise IT World’s CIO Select Awards 2022, which took...