After configuring the Initiating Router and Responders for Mediatrace monitoring, as the next step we would now get into report generation. The data is represented...

Performance tuning of NetFlow Analyzer Professional / Professional Plus Edition Made easy!.
In the older version of NetFlow Analyzer if the product faces performance related issue, tuning the product took long time and the downtime of the...
Welcome to 100G networks! What about network performance monitoring?
A number of articles these days are talking about high speed networks. Look at some of the news and discussions. 11th Oct 2011: ETT, Ciena...

Cisco Mediatrace in NetFlow Analyzer
With Cisco Medianet, you can measure the performance of voice traffic on a router which are configured for Medianet NetFlow export. The performance of real...

View the Top stats of your network in One screen using NetFlow Anlayzer.
NetFlow Analyzer helps you to find the top stats in a single screen using the dashboard. NetFlow Analyzer has some predefined Dashboards: 1.’Network Snapshot’ 2....

Cisco Medianet Reports in NetFlow Analyzer
After configuring Cisco devices for Medianet exports(as mentioned in the previous blog), the next step is generating Medianet reports in NetFlow Analyzer. The Medianet report...
Ask the Expert and benefit the most
We are glad to announce our new initiative called “Ask the Expert”. NetFlow Analyzer has evolved as a preferred tool to perform multiple functions in...
Cisco Medianet (Performance Monitor ) Configuration
In continuation to Cisco Medianet Introduction blog, This blog explains the configuration of Cisco routers to export Medianet related information . In the latest IOS...