Traffic consists of various forms. Voice, video, data etc. When you employ a tool to monitor traffic, you should ensure all these sub-types are taken...
NetFlow Analyzer 9.5 unveiled with a new UI & Medianet reporting(for FREE!!!!!)
ManageEngine NetFlow Analyzer team is very happy to announce the release of NetFlow Analyzer 9500. Here is a product demo video that explains what is...
The new User Interface
We are glad to present some screenshots of our new UI. You would be able to view the new UI in our upcoming edition. To...
NetFlow Sampling on Cisco 6500 & 7600 series device
Both Cisco 6500 & 7600 serve as Core devices on a network to distribute large amount of traffic. The high volume of packets and packet...
5 major benefits you could get out of traffic analysis
We see and hear a lot about traffic analysis and traffic monitoring but have you ever wondered what exactly is the very purpose of carrying...
Comparing the traffic usage in NetFlow Analyzer.
In an organization the management demands the Network Administrator to give them department-wise bandwidth usage statistics within a couple of hours for an emergency IT...
Virtually yours, NetFlow on VMWare vSphere 5 !
NetFlow is turning out to be the primary IP Accounting technology in the world of networking. These days, network device vendors talk about NetFlow or...

ISP and Enterprise Billing in NetFlow Analyzer-Part 2
The previous blog dealt with Billing and as a continuation here is a brief account of IP group billing which is one of the unique...

ISP and Enterprise Billing in NetFlow Analyzer-Part 1
This blog post is about Billing with NetFlow using NetFlow Analyzer which is quite a rarity in any other product of its kind in the...