Hello All,

I am sure all would be in the holiday mood after Christmas and with new year eve just few days away thinking something related to Network, IT , Applications or on top of all that WORK is least expected. Well here I am trying to pass on few tips to have a relaxing holidays without thinking much about the load and performance your IT is taking and delivering.

In my previous blog I introduced you to Gartner’s five dimensions of APM and gave you a link to an APM digest blog where you got a deeper insight into those five dimensions. 

One of the critical dimensions explained in that article was end-user experience monitoring which, not very long ago, was considered a luxury. The industry didn’t realize the absolute necessity of it until businesses started to rely heavily on IT. User experience then became that important layer where business and IT met.?

Why is End-user experience so important?

Several clients ask this question to consultants. I see the holiday season as the best time to explain the importance of end-user experience. Let’s take the instance of an online shopping portal. Throughout the year the shopping portal attracts normal traffic. However, during the holiday season, the traffic just shoots up. In such a scenario, it is absolutely necessary that you keep track of how various underlying application components behave. This is because different components are utilized by various transactions to complete certain tasks. Keeping a track of the transaction performance will enable application owners to be prepared for the rush season and give them an unmatched shopping experience.

A few of the elements that contribute to end-user experience monitoring lie inside the firewall and a few lie outside the firewall where third-party applications are involved in transferring and sharing data. Both these groups of elements, within and outside the firewall, determine how fast businesses can work. An APM tool which integrates an end-user experience monitoring module should be able to provide the visibility into the working of such elements. Therefore, using an APM tool is one of the most important tasks that allows you to gain visibility into real-time IT and be proactive to avoid any IT slowdowns that will affect your business.

The following areas will ensure a high quality of end-user experience.APM Digest blog here explains the below points in detail: 

– Monitoring business metrics related to application performance

– Monitoring the impact on end
-user experience across infrastructure tiers

– Generating synthetic transactions to measure end-user performance

This is the last blog post in our APM- digest series. Once we return in January 2012, I will begin my next 3 blog series on what we were trying to explain inThe Evolution to real-time IT; the eBook that we released recently. If you haven’t read it yet, you download a free copy of the eBook here.

We are organizing a Webinar in January on the 25th. In this Webinar, we will be talking about the first steps you must take to achieve visibility into real-time IT. Check the same space on January 3rd, 2012 for link to register.

Lots more to come so stay tuned. Have a super fun weekend.

Wish all of you a very happy new year.



Related Links:

APM Digest Blog II on End User experience monitoring

APM Digest Blog I on 5 dimensions of APM

ManageEngine eBook on Real-time IT

  1. Happy new year Suvish! Thanks for sharing this great product insights. Will see if I can join your upcoming webinar. 🙂