The Superbowl fever is still on. It has the potential of putting the IT Administrator at the brink of a soup bowl. Statistics show that...
An introduction to the HighPerf Reporting Engine from NetFlow Analyzer
When it comes to traffic reporting and network troubleshooting to find bottlenecks or bandwidth spikes, complete port-level analysis of raw flows is required to find...
January 2013 Patch Tuesday Bulletins are now Supported by Desktop Central
Microsoft January 2013 Patch Tuesday bulletins are now supported by Desktop Central. The patch assessment team at Desktop Central has tested the patches and have...
Sample-based Flexible NetFlow export configuration
NetFlow technology involves checking the packets traversing a router interface to identify the actual traffic. The high volume of packets and packet rates of traffic...

NetFlow Configurator in NetFlow Analyzer
Over the past 10 years, NetFlow Analyzer has proven to be a solid solution that focuses on customer satisfaction and easy usability, helping decrease troubleshooting...
Essential tools for the Network Admin
Being a network admin is tough – if something does not work or an app is slow, the clichéd comment that comes up first is...

How companies can implement Internet fair use policy for corporate users?
Internet fair use policy or acceptable use policy defines the appropriate Internet usage behavior expected from employees in their workplace. The policy aims to protect the employees...
Cisco ASA 8.4(5) and above NetFlow updates
Cisco is always known for rapidly rolling out enhancements to their product portfolio, Cisco ASA 8.4(5) was recently released with a lot of features and...

Change Control Automation & Better Management of Network Assets
In IT infrastructure management, integration of tools/software with one another has always been a crucial requirement. In Network Change and Configuration Management (NCCM), which predominantly...