Datacenter in a box, literally !

Sun Microsystems doesn’t want you to build your own datacenter anymore, instead they want you to tow your datacenter to that remote location by truck…like...

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Opening https enabled apps in IE 7

Did you try the new IE7? Please do if you haven’t tried yet. Its good. because it has got tabs (finally), RSS, and is more...

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A Happy ‘Instant SMS Toolkit’ User

A few weeks ago Dev had blogged about GSM modem support in OpManager. This feature was incorporated into our Service Pack release and came to...

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MSP Edition Upgrade Pack 6002 available

A newer version of OpManager MSP edition is now available. Our MSP team has just released Upgrade pack 6002. A few things that have gone...

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OpManager – New Service Pack Available

Hurray! We’ve just released service pack 1 for OpManager version 6.0. The salient features of this service pack are a couple of new add-on features:...

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GSM Modem Support In OpManager

The next release of OpManager will support sending SMSs using GSM Modems. This morning as i walked down the QA team i noticed this small...

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Recovery action for OpManager Service

What if the system running OpManager restarts by itself and the OpManager service fails to start? A quick workaround for this problem would be to...

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CRN mag talks about OpManager MSP Edition, again

CRN magazine had reviewed OpManager MSP Edition couple of months ago. Now CRN talks about MSP Edition again. Dan Neel of CRN magazine has written...

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OpManager Vs HP OpenView Network Node Manager

Stefano has made a comparison between OpManager and HP OpenView Network Node Manager (NNM) in his new websiteblog – (new .eu domain buddy?). You...

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