It is only all to common when users downloading our products wish to ensure that the download has been completed successfully- without any losses. This...
Global Issues- Local Solutions!
It is common practice for MSPs to rebrand the central server and let customers log on. But what happens then if the MSP faces a...
Trouble Moving?!
Most often,for purposes of evaluation, MSP instals the central server on a test machine and the probe in the customer’s place. After testing, however, the...
Droplets from the New Ocean
Ours, being the most dynamic of fields, sees users fidgeting between competitors for better or lesser. Yet it never fails to bring a smile to...
Flight of the Tiger
Despite the numerous examples that I have witnessed myself, I am astounded every day by the diverse user types to whom OpManager has appealed. Reading...
TV Series and a Ten-Dollar Bill!
Browsing through customer?s history is often insightful and occasionally exciting. Here is how one of our users, the Hamilton-Ryker Company got their name. Check it...
Holy Cow!
Hilmar Cheese based out of California, is the world?s largest single site cheese and whey manufacturer. However, possessing over 11 million pounds (over 484,000 liters)...
And now- Cardiac Catheterisation !
That one must have definitely thrown you off balance! It so figures that Cardiac Catheterisation refers to passing a thin tube into your heart and...
Breaking News of ‘The News Breakers’
The Hindu, one of India’s biggest Newspaper houses, can boast of a current circulation of over 1000,000 copies and a readership of over 3 million!...