It is only all to common when users downloading our products wish to ensure that the download has been completed successfully- without any losses. This...
Blog archives
Launching ServiceDesk Plus Insider
Welcome back to ServiceDesk Plus Insider. Glad to roll it out…. What is SDP Insider? ———————– ServiceDesk Plus Insider is a discussion forum that...
Global Issues- Local Solutions!
It is common practice for MSPs to rebrand the central server and let customers log on. But what happens then if the MSP faces a...
Brian Lara’s nexus with ServiceDesk Plus
Now then i was watching Brian Lara in action on saturday at the M.A Chinnasamy stadium, Chennai in a cricket match against India. Tough luck…India...
Trouble Moving?!
Most often,for purposes of evaluation, MSP instals the central server on a test machine and the probe in the customer’s place. After testing, however, the...
RSA Conference 2007 – Free Expo Pass Available
We are happy to inform you that we are taking part in the upcoming RSA Conference 2007, to be held between Feb 5-9, Moscone Center,...
RSA Conference 2007 – Free Expo Pass Available
We are happy to inform you that we are taking part in the upcoming RSA Conference 2007, to be held between Feb 5-9, Moscone Center,...
4044 build update for MEDC
Hi Folks Quick update on Desktop Central complete build release. The complete build version of MEDC with Build number 4044 has been release and is...
Droplets from the New Ocean
Ours, being the most dynamic of fields, sees users fidgeting between competitors for better or lesser. Yet it never fails to bring a smile to...