VoIP protocols to support.. alarm triggers to add.. inbuilt reports to have.. QoS & other call details to track.. In addition to sending us your...
Blog archives
Desktop Central Roadmap
If you have any new feature request in Desktop Central, please post it in http://roadmap.manageengine.com/index.php?category=DesktopCentral This is the place customer can post and decide the...
Remote Control is Enhanced
It is our pleasure to announce the new “Remote Control” tool with more enhanced features. New features are: Support for Vista Ability to view the...
Link Backs, Awards, Visibility
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Coming Soon Room booking and AutoCAD Integration
Its like large pizzas offered at discount interestingly with more toppings…my previous blog spoke about the change in price for FacilitiesDesk…Now its time to talk...
Application Log Support
Introductions first, my name is Karthik, I am part of Eventlog Analyzer development team. I call myself as ‘The Experimenter’(ok, that is not so cool...
Firewall Analyzer gains visibilty in SecureAsia 08
At the recently held SecureAsia 08 Trade Show in KualaLumpur, ManageEngine Firewall Analyzer gained a lot of visiblity. An esteemed, happy customer, Kevin of Western Digital...
CAFM @ the price of CMMS
Yes! We offer you FacilitiesDesk at the price of CMMS… Let me make it easier for you to believe by giving the numbers. FacilitiesDesk starts...
DesktopCentral agent pushing made easy
Hi Folks, Here is an interesting and useful tip on the Desktop Central Agent installation. Using this MS free tools (previously known as sysinternals run...