Being an MSP is no fun, especially if you are mid-sized. As you read this article, national players and biggies such as Dell might be talking to your...
Blog archives
WEG, Welcome to India
Bem-vindo para India. WEG – one of the Brazil’s largest companies is coming to India. WEG Announces New Plant In India [Thanks Jaime for sharing...
We have started Blogging…
Whooooohooooo Supportcenter Plus has started blogging. SupportCenter Plus is a web based Customer Support Software, which primarily focuses on…. (wait,wait,wait).… Its not the corporate website,...
This is an example of a WordPress page, you could edit this to put information about yourself or your site so readers know where you...
Desktop Central announcement to upgrade to build 60118
Hi Folks Please find the latest hotfix available for Desktop Central 6. Desktop Central Hotfix build : 60118 After the upgrade, you should see the...
Related Product : Password management for your servers & applications
Well today’s post is about ManageEngine PasswordManager Pro which is a related product from ManageEngine. This product helps manage application / server passwords. Below is...
Thanks to…
Well, its been a busy phase for FacilitiesDesk, touring and meeting people… Thanks to all, who made it a big success for FacilitiesDesk in The...
Troubleshooting Resources
This page covers all resources that help users of ManageEngine Applications Manager trobuleshoot issues or identify ways using the product effectively.
Scriptomaniac with Desktop Central – segregate Ping (Un)Reachable computers
Interacting with customers, witnessing their petty practical needs and addressing them with simple scripts is a routine in any Technical Support guys day to day...