Time and again, we have been highlighting several incidents of cyber-attacks on the IT infrastructure of many enterprises across the globe. An interesting analysis by FOCUS (www.focus.com ) provides an excellent summary of the 15 most massive data breaches in the history of USA in chronological order. The story lucidly explains how some of the world’s mightiest organizations encountered data breaches and the consequences.

Editors of Focus state that over 340,102,273 records containing sensitive personal information have been breached just in the U.S. since January 2005. You may imagine the magnitude of this cyber-security problems across the globe!

Analyzing the cause for the breaches, the story elucidates:

 through weak security on computer networks, theft and loss of laptops and employee negligence, much of your information can be exposed or fall into the hands of identity thieves through data breaches

What is the way out?

Apparently, lack of effective internal controls often lies at the root of many security incidents. One of the effective ways to achieve internal controls is to deploy a Privileged Password Management Solution that could replace manual processes and help achieve highest level of security for the data.

Not all security incidents could be prevented or avoided; nor could privileged password management software act as the panacea for all cyber-security incidents. But, the security incidents that happen due to lack of effective internal controls are indeed preventable.

If you are looking for a solution to bolster the security of your IT infrastructure and in turn, protect the critical data, ManageEngine Password Manager Pro would be the ideal choice. Password Manager Pro (PMP) is a web-based, secure vault for storing and managing shared sensitive information such as passwords, documents and digital identities of enterprises. It helps control the access to shared administrative passwords of any ‘enterprise resource’ such as servers, databases, network devices, applications etc. PMP enables IT managers to enforce standard password management practices.

For more details, visit http://www.passwordmanagerpro.com

ManageEngine Password Manager Pro