IT Manager /CXO of an enterprise are responsible to manage all IT infrastructure of an enterprise. This includes a vigorous update on the status of...
Embezzlement incident at Wipro: Insider Threats & Stricter Internal Controls to the Fore Again
If media reports on the alleged embezzlement by an employee at Wipro are to be believed, insider threat seems to be emerging the biggest challenge...
Use of hard-coded credentials, a dangerous programming error: CWE
Hi, For applications and scripts in your infrastructure that communicate with other applications using a password, the normal practice is to hard-code the password in...
A New Year's Resolution to Protect Your Data & Business
Bidding adieu to 2009, the old year and a brand new 2010 is at the doorsteps. It is again that time of the year when...
Are you worried about security breaches & identity thefts?
Shocking stories of security incidents and identity thefts of various kinds worry you? Read our article on ‘Combating Cyber Security Threats’ in Express Computer:
Information Security, the biggest challenge before Indian Enterprises: Survey
Reputed marketing firm IDC (India) Ltd has come out with a survey whose results should serve as an eye opener for all enterprises. The survey...
Combating Cyber Security Threats – ManageEngine Password Manager Pro Advisory
Hi, Of late, cyber-criminal activities across the globe have assumed such grave proportions that all enterprises – big and small, are exposed to security breaches...

Do you know about Mouse gestures on Eventlog Analyzer v.6?
Simple user-friendly features make our application as one of the most preferred one in the market. Here, in this blog, we shall be posting on...
Security Software Spending and Uncertain Times of Economy
The Economic Condition After the down slide of US economy, there is lull now. Even the noted economist are not sure which way it will...