TFM Show-Chicago Day2 starts…

FacilitiesDesk had a great start at the TFM show in Chicago…nonetheless its because of you enthusiastic crowd visiting us. Thanks to all our visitors on...

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FacilitiesDesk’s 1st ServicePack and Hotfix Release

Hi All, As mentioned in one of my earlier posts…before bringing up the next big release of Facilities we have done the hotfixes of our...

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Merits of Leasing the Office Space and Assets

Okiz! its time for our readers to have some interesting tips on some of the frequent activities of Facilities Management..As the topic suggests the article...

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FacilitiesDesk’s Saga Continues…

Hello people, Good! I am back again with some news after a gap due to tight schedule of our Partner Conference ‘08 Coming straight to...

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Link Backs, Awards, Visibility

4 Software 5starshare  Download pipe

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Coming Soon Room booking and AutoCAD Integration

Its like large pizzas offered at discount interestingly with more toppings…my previous blog spoke about the change in price for FacilitiesDesk…Now its time to talk...

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CAFM @ the price of CMMS

Yes! We offer you FacilitiesDesk at the price of CMMS… Let me make it easier for you to believe by giving the numbers. FacilitiesDesk starts...

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Our technical team recently spent a good weekend break in “The Adventurous” Top Slip and Parambikulam. They were at Top Slip for few hours and...

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FacilitiesDesk in Baltimore, U.S.A – NFMT 2008

National Facilities Management & Technology (NFMT 2008) happened in Baltimore, United States from March 4-6. focussed on facility management which included both an exhibition and...

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