Web browsers have revolutionized the way we use the internet. They’ve escalated employee productivity, but have also opened up organizations to a plethora of security loopholes. Browsers are the easiest point of entry for hackers to exploit a system because they contain vulnerable components like plug-ins and cookies.

A June 2018 Skybox Security report breaks down vulnerabilities by type, with internet and mobile vulnerabilities accounting for 29 percent of the total vulnerabilities published in early 2018. Internet and mobile vulnerabilities alone increased by eight percent between the second half of 2017 and the first half of 2018. The more ubiquitous the internet becomes, the more vulnerabilities will be identified.

 “Out of the top 10 vulnerable products four are web browsers.” – Skybox Security

 Every time a browser communicates with a website, that site collects a piece of browser information in the form of a cookie. There are several ways an attacker can tamper with a cookie. Aside from that, cybercriminals can also inject malware into a browser if a user visits a website that hosts malicious content. Browser-based vulnerabilities are on the rise and to make matters worse, threats like phishing, man-in-the-browser attacks, watering hole attacks, and cryptojacking are tough to detect.

Organizations need a way to secure the browsers their employees use and, more importantly, the corporate data stored within them. After all, browser security is the cornerstone of network security.

 Did you know?

Mozilla Firefox and Microsoft Edge tallied 90 vulnerabilities each during the first half of 2018, while Google Chrome topped them with 120.

 Our endpoint management solution, Desktop Central, makes securing web browsers seamless. All you have to do is configure five straightforward settings, deploy a configuration, choose your target computers, and relax while Desktop Central keeps your browsers secure.

 Hard to believe? Check it out yourself!