Hi folks,
This time around I’ll be covering a similar request that I discussed in my last blog, but in the Software Deployment module. This query will help you pull up a list of computers that don’t have specific software. You could also call this a Software Exception Computer List.
select Resource.NAME, Resource.DOMAIN_NETBIOS_NAME, InvComputerOS.OS_NAME, InvComputerOS.VERSION, InvComputerOS.SERVICE_PACK from ManagedComputer inner join Resource on ManagedComputer.RESOURCE_ID = Resource.RESOURCE_ID inner join InvComputerOS on Resource.RESOURCE_ID = InvComputerOS.COMPUTER_ID inner join InvComponent on InvComputerOS.COMPUTER_ID = InvComponent.COMPUTER_ID inner join InvSWInstalled on InvComponent.COMPONENT_ID = InvSWInstalled.COMPONENT_ID inner join InvSW on InvSWInstalled.SOFTWARE_ID = InvSW.SOFTWARE_ID where Resource.RESOURCE_ID Not IN (select Resource.RESOURCE_ID from ManagedComputer inner join Resource on ManagedComputer.RESOURCE_ID = Resource.RESOURCE_ID inner join InvComputerOS on Resource.RESOURCE_ID = InvComputerOS.COMPUTER_ID inner join InvComponent on InvComputerOS.COMPUTER_ID = InvComponent.COMPUTER_ID inner join InvSWInstalled on InvComponent.COMPONENT_ID = InvSWInstalled.COMPONENT_ID inner join InvSW on InvSWInstalled.SOFTWARE_ID = InvSW.SOFTWARE_ID where InvSW.SOFTWARE_NAME like “%Adobe%”) group by Resource.RESOURCE_ID;
You just need to replace “%Adobe%” with whatever software you’re concerned about.