Let me start this year with tips that make desktop administrator’s life easier. Here are the 5 important factors which can make the desktop management problem free

1: Preventive Hard disk maintenance of the desktop (simple chkdsk, cleanmgr and defrag)2: Proper Patch management (Full lifecycle with Scan, deploy and report)

3: Controlling USB storage devices (to stop threats from those storage devices (AV, spyware etc at perimeter level))

4: Handy Remote Desktop Sharing (for one to one trouble shooting)

5: Confirmation for software installations and deployed configurations (can solve many issues in real time scenario)

These are the top five areas which can make the difference in desktop management in my perception. Some of the feature may not be in existence but still if it is made available that can really make desktop management hassle free. Let me know your stand?…

– romanus