Imagine you’re applying for a loan. One of the important criteria required to obtain approval is the credit score. The higher the credit score, the...

ManageEngine is at COMEX Technology Show next week
We’re excited to participate in the COMEX Technology Show from 23-25 May 2022 at the Oman Convention & Exhibition Centre. The Oman technology revolution is...

Chip away at age old-password problems by reinventing your security strategies
Despite wide-spread knowledge on the risk of using a weak password, 123456 is still a common password in use by a number of users. You’re...

Are your Apple devices safe from the latest vulnerabilities?
Apple has recently released OS updates for multiple operating systems, addressing known and exploited security vulnerabilities along with previously unknown ones. During the past week,...

VLAN monitoring in OpManager
A local area network, what we know more commonly as a LAN, is a network that comprises devices based out of the same geographic location,...
Why a software self-service portal is a must
Imagine you’re in an airport and going through security. Why do you have to go through such rigorous checks? These security checks protect the passengers...

Canadian privacy laws revisited: Is your organization staying ahead of the curve?
The Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) is well-known if you are an organization based out of Canada. In place for more than...

Catch up with ManageEngine at the IDC Bahrain CIO Summit 2022 this month
We’re excited to participate in the IDC Bahrain CIO Summit 2022 on May 18, 2022 at the Four Seasons Hotel Bahrain Bay. The Bahraini government...