Yup! You can drill down to the root cause of the QoS issues that you are facing. If you have deployed QoS already then you...
Facility Management – Newer Perspective…
Technology is evolving day in and day out…so is Facility management. Today’s Facility Managers a learned about various classical processes to newer technological tools in...
More for less in network monitoring
Todd Weiss of ComputerWorld has an interesting article about how people are “on mission” at the LinuxWorld Conference & Expo. Consultants, CEOs, CIOs, IT Managers,...
List is a little longer today ;-)
I mean the number of items in our update list is a little longer today…Let me put them forward one by one. We have come...
This is an example of a WordPress page, you could edit this to put information about yourself or your site so readers know where you...
AutoCAD in FacilitiesDesk – a visual perspective
Hello Readers, You are already aware that FacilitiesDesk uses AutoCAD Revit Architecture Suite software, which includes AutoCAD® and Revit® Architecture software application with its release...
Following the our release of FacilitiesDesk 5 we recently spent a rejuvenating 3-day break in a hill station “Chickmangalore” – Karnataka. Lush green hills, coffee...
Professional Plus. Fully loaded!
Did you check out the NetFlow Analyzer Professional Plus 7. It comes fully loaded with the following additional features: Support for Cisco CBQoS – Useful...
FacilitiesDesk 5 Release
Dear Readers, We have released the FacilitiesDesk 5.0 Following are the new salient features of the CAFM software: Auto CAD integration Room booking Enhanced Requester...