Todd Weiss of ComputerWorld has an interesting article about how people are “on mission” at the LinuxWorld Conference & Expo. Consultants, CEOs, CIOs, IT Managers, Administrators – everyone’s looking for applications, services and systems that deliver more and more, at less cost. Todd quotes Adam Talbot, a Linux and Unix administrator with the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories in Livermore, Calif.:
“I’m always looking for the next (big) thing… If I can find a solution that beats all of our stuff, costs less and is more applicable to our environment, then that’s what I’m looking for.”
With all the new features and add-ons OpManager’s been going through, this excerpt from Todd’s article truly encourages us
Talbot now uses OpManager from AdventNet Inc. after moving away four months ago from competing applications from the Nagios open-source project and GroundWork Open Source. While neither of those products had major shortcomings, Talbot wants something that offers more monitoring services for various operating systems, including SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol).
“We’re always looking for more for less,” Talbot said.
Thanks very much Talbot and Todd. We’ll continue giving you more in our network monitoring software, OpManager!