Cyberattacks are never going away; in fact, things appear to be getting worse. The complexity of attacks has escalated, resulting in more sophisticated, targeted takedowns. Just look at the attacks in Baltimore,...

G2 recognizes ManageEngine as a High Performer and the Momentum Leader in UEM
Managing devices and offering the security customers expect is what makes ManageEngine stand apart in the unified endpoint management (UEM) category. Our UEM offering, Desktop...

Beware of black cats and black hats this Halloween
It’s that time of the year again when you sport your favorite costume, carve pumpkins, gear up for trick-or-treating, and reread Gothic stories. It’s almost Halloween! There is...

Monitor these loopholes to ensure complete network security
The continuous evolution and growth of the endpoint devices in enterprises makes network security management a primary concern for IT departments. As a sysadmin, you strive to ensure the safety and...
A catastrophic flaw in Linux sudo command with a simple fix using Desktop Central
A critical vulnerability in sudo has been disclosed, that when exploited, enables users to bypass security restrictions and execute commands as the root user. This...

Everything you need to know about macOS 10.15 Catalina
The latest version, macOS 10.15, has been named Catalina. This comes as a free software update and is available on the App Store. It comes with...
Microsoft Patch Tuesday October 2019: 59 vulnerabilities fixed
The second Tuesday of the month is here, and if you manage tons of endpoints, this can only mean one thing to you: Patch Tuesday...

Upgrading an OS before the end of 2019: Convenience or compromise?
Desktop management is a continuous and never-ending process, especially for monitoring potential security issues. IT administrators need to constantly safeguard network devices and update endpoints...