Kafka monitoring: Metrics that matter

Kafka is a distributed streaming platform that acts as a publish-subscribe messaging queue by receiving data from various source systems and making it available to...

Applications Manager 5 min read Read

ManageEngine recognized in Gartner Magic Quadrant for Application Performance Monitoring

We are happy to announce that ManageEngine has been recognized by Gartner in its 2020 Magic Quadrant for Application Performance Monitoring. Applications Manager has helped thousands of...

Applications Manager 2 min read Read

Redis monitoring 101: Metrics to watch

Redis, which stands for Remote Dictionary Server, is an open source, in-memory data structure store that’s used as a database, memory cache, and message broker. It stores data entirely...

Applications Manager 5 min read Read

Top metrics to look out for while monitoring Node.js applications

Applications built on the Node.js platform, an event-driven I/O server-side JavaScript environment based on Google Chrome’s V8 engine, are known as Node.js applications. Since both...

Applications Manager 4 min read Read

Key metrics for PostgreSQL performance monitoring

PostgreSQL offers flexibility on how data is stored and compared in a relational database. This is why it’s so popular among enterprises as a solution for their database requirements. Although PostgreSQL is quite reliable, database problems...

Applications Manager 4 min read Read

Mastering website monitoring with Applications Manager

In the digital era, most enterprises use a web platform to reach potential customers and showcase the products or solutions they offer. Websites have become extremely popular as a...

Applications Manager 5 min read Read

Monitoring MS SQL Server with Applications Manager

MS SQL, Microsoft’s relational database management system (RDBMS), is known for its broad spectrum of capabilities such as transaction processing, business intelligence, and analytics. This is why most businesses...

Application Performance 5 min read Read

Monitoring critical business applications while working remotely

With a huge number of employees around the globe working remotely during the COVID-19 pandemic, delivering uninterrupted business services to customers has become a major challenge. This requires strict monitoring of all...

Application Performance 3 min read Read

How to effectively manage your AWS costs

Often, when companies are new to Amazon Web Services (AWS), they aren’t focused much on the cost. They’re more likely fixated on taking advantage of the scalability and flexibility offered by the...

Applications Manager 2 min read Read