Password self-service solution is a godsend for businesses reeling under the huge volume of password reset and account unlock calls to the service desk. Empowering...

Password Syncing: A Remedy to the YAUP Syndrome
Gone are the days when users worked on a single IT system. Users today have mastered the art of working with different IT platforms, thanks...

Password Expiration Notifier – Now 100% Free for Unlimited Users
As a security measure, users’ passwords in Active Directory are set to expire after a certain number of days. Windows alerts users about their expiring...
Password Self-Service Management on the go with ADSelfService Plus Android App
How often have you come across users who try to log in to their system, but don’t remember their passwords? Password related issues are a...
Password synchronization, a crucial step in Cloud IAM
One of the major burdens of allowing enterprise Windows Active Directory users to access cloud applications is managing their identities across multiple applications. When it...
Sharpen your IAM tool to enjoy safe BYOD
The Bring your own device (BYOD) movement is getting bigger and faster. IT managers across the globe are striving hard to provide secure access to...
ADSelfService Plus spreads its wings to support Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012.
Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012, the latest operating systems from Microsoft, have brought some sweeping changes to the traditional Windows PC. The operating systems...
Multi-platform Password Synchronization – Challenges and Solution.
In a large IT environment, users may have accounts in different systems other than Microsoft Windows. To keep the login process simple, usernames and passwords...