In a large IT environment, users may have accounts in different systems other than Microsoft Windows. To keep the login process simple, usernames and passwords of a user across multiple systems are set to the same. This makes it easier for the users, who have to remember only one password to gain access to all the systems. But, this also makes it difficult for the administrator, as any password/account changes made in one system needs to be reflected across all the other systems. Hence, the solution lies in automatically synchronizing password/account changes across all the systems.

ADSelfService Plus, in its relentless effort to deliver the best of self-service password management solution, brings in a new feature – ‘Password Synchronizer’ – under its ambit.

ADSelfService Plus’s Password Synchronizer keeps track of all Windows Active Directory password/account changes made using the application and automatically synchronizes the same across multiple systems that are configured for Password Synchronization. Administrators only need to configure the multiple systems with ADSelfService Plus, which is a pretty straight forward process with only minimal information is required.

Here’s how ADSelfService Plus synchronizes Windows Active Directory password across multiple systems:

A user resets/changes his Windows Active Directory password using ADSelfService Plus
On successful reset of Windows password, ADSelfService Plus begins to search for the username in other systems configured for Password Synchronization
If the same username gets a hit, ADSelfService Plus performs a password reset in those other systems as well, with the new Windows AD password of the user
Notifies the user about the result after the completion of the process
All activities are recorded in the respective reports for later viewing by administrators
Highlights of ADSelfService Plus Password Synchronizer:

Automatic Password Synchronization: No extra action is required from the user end or from the administrators.
Synchronize Password and Account Changes: Synchronizes both password and account changes. If a user unlocks his Windows AD account through ADSelfService Plus, his locked out accounts in other systems, if any, will also get automatically unlocked.
Less burden on Users and Administrators: Users will only need to remember one password across multiple systems. Any Windows password/account changes made using ADSelfService Plus is synchronized with other systems too.
Easy to configure: Only minimal information is required to configure a system.
Learn more about this new feature.

ADSelfService Plus is a secure, web-based, self-service Active Directory password reset software. Along with password reset, it also supports self-service account unlock, employee self-update, Winlogon (CTRL+ALT+DEL) password reset, password/account expiry notifications, people search and audit reports on all user activities.

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