Enterprises use Clustered Environment to scale for Failover Support. It is highly critical to monitor all nodes within the cluster. Here is a diagrammatic representation...

An Usecase for Alarm Workflow in Applications Manager
Alarms from Applications Manager can be of any of the following severity : Critical (for Health & Down for Availability) -Amber Warning – Orange Clear...

Proactively detect Application Performance Problems with Anomaly Detection
Remember ‘Minority Report’, the Steven Speilberg directed sci-fi movie starring Tom Cruise? The movie is set in futuristic Washington where the police force employ ‘precogs’...
How to get an integrated view of your network & application performance?
Now that you know the need for an integration between OpManager and Applications Manager, let me detail out how to integrate these 2 applications through...
Introducing Applications Manager 9.1
We’re excited to announce the release of version 9.1 of ManageEngine Applications Manager.The new version comes loaded with several new features as well as improvements...
Defining an Email template in network monitoring systems
Here is an easier way to integrate Email Alerts from any Network Montioring solution, be it HP OpenView, Solarwinds or ManageEngine OpManager (& Applications Manager)...
Integrate Network State into Applications Manager
Today’s applications are complex in nature. Applications are hosted in data centers, thousands of miles away from Head Office / Branch Offices. Administrators / Helpdesk...
Monitoring Tomcat Application Server
Today, Monitoring is an important task for an Administrator. Grab statistical data, reconfigure certain aspects of the server, add a new web application etc, form...
System Error Notifications in Applications Manager
I am sure you should have come across any one of these messages below, in ManageEngine Applications Manager. 1. Authentication Failed. Kindly provide the correct...