Consider a database driven application. For example, let’s consider a meteorological station wherein a software application collects various metrics such as temperature, wind, chill factor, humidity, rain precipitation and so on. This application gathers the information from various instruments and the data is stored in a database grid. The IT admin of this metrological station has to ensure that the work flow of this application is up and running and that they are available at all times.

The admin should be able to monitor specific key performance metrics (KPI) from these databases to find out if the processes executed by the software application are error-free. The admin should be able to find out the performance of the query that is being executed. The performance of the query is calculated by the amount of time taken by the query to execute and return value. If the query execution time is above a certain pre-assigned threshold, then the admin should immediately alerted that there has been some issue with the performance of this particular query. The admin can then take action to improve the query of the database and ensure that the application is running smoothly.

Using Database Query Monitor in Applications Manager, the admin will be able to do the exact same thing. In addition, instead of just being notified of a performance related issue with the query, the admin can assign certain actions related to the alert and thus automating the whole process. While the admin will get notified of certain error in the performance of a query, Applications Manager executes appropriate action assigned with the alert and ensure that the performance of the processes remain high. The admin can also enable reports for various queries that is being monitored and also schedule reports accordingly.

For more information about Database Query Monitor, click here. This is available from 8.5 version of Applications Manager, which you can download it here.