There has been several key upgrades that has been introduced in the current version. This post will be about focusing on some of those key features mentioned in current release. As the old saying goes “a good picture is worth a thousand words” we decided to release some screenshots of those features and let the screenshots speak for itself. If you have not yet upgraded to the new build, you can download it here and if you would like to more about these features click here.

Some of the major upgrades that we will be discussing in the next couple of posts:

  • Availability and Health Reports – Critical and History Snapshots that have been added
  • Outage Comparison Reports
  • Availability Trend Reports
  • Ability to configure and integrate business hours
  • Network Interface Monitoring in WMI mode added
  • Sybase Support added

There is going to be a couple more posts with some good screenshots with regards to these updates for your viewing. Some of major upgrades that were done in 8.2 were availability and health reports including critical snapshot, and history reports. Applications Manager generates reports that help you to analyze the performance of your Monitor Group. The reporting function enables you to analyze your servers/applications/services even across months and all this even without having to make any additional configuration changes. These reports depicts the availability, health, response time and alerts of the application over a specified period of time. In addition, critical and current snapshot are also provided to project a better understanding of the health and availability of applications.

Availability and Health Reports

Availability and Health reports of a banking application integrated with business hour

Outage Comparison of Monitor Groups

Outage comparison report integrated with business hour

Current Snapshot of Monitor Groups

Current snapshot report for the customer portal business service

Critical Snapshot of Monitor Groups

Critical snapshot report for the customer portal business service

The current snapshot report provides you in-depth details such as monitor type, availability of that particular monitor including its health and most importantly a message column which indicates any information regarding the health and availability of the monitor in question. In Critical snapshot report, in addition to the above mentioned details “Monitor Group” details is also included.

Availability Trend Report

Availability Trend report for Store application

More screenshots to follow… -)