Business Services Management

Applications Manager | August 7, 2007 | 1 min read

Last blog highlighted our plans for SAP Support in our next major update. However a nice enhancement to our Release 7.4 was the support for hierarchical monitor groups. This should help our users to better group & monitor IT resources. Here is how.

The traditional approach to monitoring resources, follow a siloed approach to monitoring technology components. There, high level availability and health are known for individual components and it is hard to visualize what resources need more attention based on business priority. With support for sub-groups, this situation is changing and will improve visibility even for the Head of Operations. For example, now you would be able to see that the overall business application had a 99.985% availability and can then check the reports and interpret how the downtimes total up.

The accuracy of reports will be improved by the ability to group relevant resources and by defining proper “dependency rules“. These dependency rules will also help handle clustered setups.

The hierarchical grouping along with the support for dependencies with rules like “Critical if any ‘N’ Monitors are critical” should enable managing business services better.

Hope the below graphic is self explanatory. Click it to enlarge it.

Cheers !


Twitter :  @Gibu_

ps :

A previous blog highlight, just in case you missed it :

Response Time across multiple locations