You might be wondering, how to start Applications Manager when Linux boots (akin to starting Applications Manager as service in Windows).
Well, you have to make certain modifications. Follow the steps given below:
In Linux, when the machine boots, the following file is called
You can add the following entry in this file to start the Applications Manager when the machine boots.
su -c “nohup sh <APPMANAGER-INSTALLEDDIRECTORY>/AppManager6/ & ” <User in which Applicatios manager is installed>
For example,
su -c “nohup sh /advent/Aug2/AppManager6/ &” susan
Whenever you restart the machine, Applications Manager will also start automatically.
Also, you have to add the following as first line of file
For eg., cd /advent/Aug2/AppManager6/
am use Linux Server
am use commend
can’t to start services
plesase answer for me
Useful update from a customer on above post on How to start Applications Manager when Linux boots (like starting Applications Manager as service in Windows) ?
1.)If you run the script from rc.local it puts the nohup.out file there (file is created where the script is run), so instead I created a file in …/ManageEngine/AppManager10/ called
cd /home/criticalstart/ManageEngine/AppManager10/
su -c “nohup sh &” root
2.)I then called this file in rc.local
Su –c “sh /home/criticalstart/ManageEngine/AppManager10/” root
This works fine, and puts the nohup.out file where it belongs.
3.)Also make sure you place the below lines in script before the line “if [ $# -eq 1 ]” to ensure safe start-up.
./ -force
sleep 30
echo “Shutdown Successfully done”
mv logs old_logs_`date +%y%m%d_%T`
Thanks & Regards,
Paul Jacob