Another Patch Tuesday is here, along with a huge set of both security and non-security patches. We strongly recommend patching all these latest security patches right...
Search results for: shadow IT
5 things to keep in mind before backing up your VMware virtual machines
The architecture of a virtual machine differs vastly from traditional on-premises environments, and requires different data backup techniques and pre-backup operations. This post will explain some of the...

WannaCry again? Meet Adylkuzz, its sneaky cryptocurrency mining sibling
More than 400,000 computers wrldwide have been infected with WannaCry ransomware since the beginning of the devastating attack on May 12th, 2017. WannaCry has compromised...

Escape the latest sudo flaw with Desktop Central patch management
Windows has had a rough time lately, dealing with various breaches as the result of vulnerabilities. Linux, often considered a malware-free OS, is now experiencing...
Ransomware make you WannaCry? Fight back instead with the right tools and techniques
Hackers always attack low hanging fruit, the known vulnerabilities in the software that fuels your organization. The recent WannaCry ransomware attacks are no exception. They...

Seven things end users don’t know about sysadmins!
Sysadmins, you know you’re awesome, regardless of what your typical end user might think. But what do they know? Sadly, not much. For instance, they...
What Private Equity Means for SolarWinds Users
Well, that was fast. Less than two weeks after SolarWinds committed to reviewing its “strategic alternatives,” the review is complete and the alternative chosen. The...

Braving the cyberattack storm: a refresher on security essentials.
This has certainly been a busy summer for hackers worldwide. First, it was the U.S. federal agencies. This recent hack, aimed at the Office of...

Combat Identity Thefts and Advanced Cyber Threats with Password Manager Pro Enterprise Edition
No one is safe out on the virtual streets of cyber world, and security breaches surface quite frequently to remind us of the same. Lately, the...